Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment on your Ecommerce store


Shopping car abandonment is big, bad, and scary, it can mean for every ten customers that put an item in their cart, nearly six will leave the site without completing their purchase. Shopping cart abandonment occurs when customers add products to their cart but leave before they purchase them. A lot of eCommerce website development brands seem to find this problem getting worse every year as it affects customer conversion rates and revenue as well as customer experience and it’s time to take back those sales and reduce shopping cart abandonment. Here are some tactics or strategies to win your consumers back and decrease your cart abandonment rates.

Be transparent about all costs

As an SEO company in Mumbai ensure that your brand gives customers all costs upfront including any service, shipping fees and if there are any taxes or other delivery costs they should expect. Most of the time brands don’t disclose this and when customers check out, they notice an unexpected price increase and then abandon their shopping cart.

Include progress indicators on the checkout page

A progress indicator can help users understand where they are in the checkout process and how much further they need to go. It can serve as a visual reinforcement for the shopper to continue their purchase and some shoppers looking at the progress bar may rush to complete their purchase if they have already invested in the checkout process.

Include product thumbnails in the checkout process

During an in-person purchase, customers can feel and see the items they are buying so they are sure of it. In an online purchase sometimes, they can’t see what they are buying when in the cart and they will need to go back all the way and double-check on the items. Product thumbnails are useful to keep these products at the top of the users’ minds during the entire checkout process so customers are sure of what they are buying.

Make navigation between cart and store effortless

An eCommerce website development company realizes that customers want to quickly add items to their shopping carts and get back to browsing the rest of the products or services. The more you make your customers work the less likely they will be to buy products, ensure that you make it effortless for your customers to drop items in their cart and also checkout directly from the product page to reduce the number of clicks and page views if necessary. Another thing to keep in mind is to have a fast-loading optimized site for a speedy checkout so your users will be more inclined to quickly shop during a lunch break or on the commute as they won’t have to wait that long.

Offer 24/7 live chat support

An added benefit to any online store is the friendly staff who will help you with any question, order purchase, and more. If customers have any issues with the product, they can easily exchange or return it and this level of care and attention will bring more customers to your site for a seamless experience. Using cart abandonment data, look through and identify areas where shoppers are more likely to drop off and allow users to chat with a customer support representative.

In Conclusion

Shopping cart abandonment can kill your eCommerce and as eager as you are to reel users back in, you may still experience some percentage of abandonment, most brands do. Pairing with a reliable and skilled marketing company along with the above tips can help you to bring down your abandonment rate and fight for as many conversions and sales you can get in an effort to drive traffic to your store.

By admin

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