Need a Break


It’s easy to let work take over your life. It’s the passive choice. You take what is handed to you, and you overload your plate and somehow make do. Sure, you may have to work late and sleep exhausted, and you may not be earning enough for all this effort, but at least you have a steady source of income, right? 

That feeling of gratitude towards your job should not get to a point where you let your job take over your life. You need to slow down. Start with these five ways: 

Stick to a regular sleeping routine

Sometimes, you pass out from exhaustion, but other times you may have a hard time falling asleep. Both of these are signs of mental unease. There might be something bothering you, even if you’re not actively thinking about it. Maybe things are not working well at work. If this is the case, it’s even more important that you stick to a sleeping routine. First, do your nighttime skincare, which involves face mask online shopping for your stock, then finishing off with an eye mask. Put your phone down at a designated time so that you will not be tempted to scroll through social media for hours on end. 

Set a hard out

There are busy seasons in each business line. For this, you may need to do more each day to get the team’s goals done. This is normal. However, if the whole year seems to be this way, it’s time to reframe how you look at work and set your clear boundaries. When things are not slowing down, you need to protect your wellbeing by setting a hard out. At the end of your shift, inform everyone that you will no longer be responding to emails until the next day. 

Separate your work and personal profiles

Some phones have this feature now, and you should take advantage of this to set a clear distinction between work and personal messages. When you’re at work, you can focus on your work notifications. Doing this may also help you be more productive. Then, when you’re off work, make sure you’re not receiving work-related notifications. Ask your colleagues to respect this boundary as well, and remind them not to contact you on your personal accounts unless it’s really urgent. 

Eat slowly

This may not seem like a lot, but this will give you a few minutes of calm before you go to work, in the middle of your shift, and after you leave work. Enjoy your meals slowly and savor the experience to tell your mind that you have time and that you deserve this quiet moment. It would also be nice if you can share a meal with your loved ones, so that you can satisfy that need for human connection

Decorate your workspace

The act of decorating itself can help boost your mood and slow you down. On top of that, working every day will be made more enjoyable if you are surrounded by items you enjoy. Decorate with photos of your loved ones or a framed quote from your favorite book. Choose colors that make you happy. And tidy up this space every day. When you’re so busy at work, a disorganized environment adds to your anxiety. 

You don’t need to file a vacation leave to take a break. In the long run, it will benefit you more if you decide to make some changes in your routine that will help you check in with your emotions. 

By admin

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